Monday, January 27, 2014

Some Early Pregnancy Signs - Early signs that you may be pregnant

Am I pregnant? How do I know if I'm pregnant? What are some early signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

There are tons of signs out there that could hint at the fact that you may be pregnant. Many symptoms are clearly visible in pregnancy but there are also many signs that are not exclusive to pregnancy and depending on what you're wishing for these can either excite you unnecessarily or stress you out without reason.

The following are some common Early pregnancy signs (before 6 weeks):

Severe stomach cramps

These are evident from about a day or two from conception and heightened after being intimate. As a mommy to be, this was my strongest and first pregnancy sign. It should feel like severe menstruation cramps.


This may occur as early as a day or two after conception but may also occur around the time of your usual period. It may seem like you're having your period but be different (different length in days, less in volume, etc). You may also miss your period completely or have what you think is your period be a few days early or late. Usually this is NOT your period - you're pregnant.

Menstrual Symptoms

The usual signs that one would usually get before their period -  bloating, sore or tender breasts, lower back pain are all common early pregnancy signs too. These may no be as early as a day or two after conception but more like a week or two. If you're experiencing this for a few days but aren't getting your [period with it then you could possibly be pregnant.

Shortness of breath and/or dizziness

This is one of the early signs too. It occurs any time from about a week or two onwards to before 6 weeks. You may feel faint, like you can't stand for long, like you need to sit down because you can't catch your breath, etc.


Feeling tired is a sure sign that you're no longer living for one. If you feel run down after sleeping early the night before or carrying out usual and daily routines, you may want to get a pregnancy test.

Nausea and classic morning sickness

This is a giveaway sign but not for every body. I didn't have any morning sickness at all during my first trimester of pregnancy.

There are reasons for any of the above and experiencing them may or may not mean you're pregnant. Thanks to early detection pregnancy tests like Clearblu which can be taken up to 4 days before you're period is due, you don't have to spend weeks stressing about whether or not you're pregnant. The sooner you get a pregnancy test done the better. There is nothing more fulfilling then being able to put your mind at ease. Remember though, not all pregnancy tests are accurate. A blood test or scan is most accurate. Some pregnancy tests are reliable and others aren't so be sure to read the accuracy on the box before buying it.

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