Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to tell your boyfriend / husband / fling / ex that your pregnant

How do I tell my boyfriend that I'm pregnant when he isn't ready to be a dad? What are some exciting ways to tell my husband that I'm pregnant? How do I tell my boyfriend / husband that he's going to be a father?

Breaking the news to the father of your baby can either be extremely exciting or highly dreadful depending on your relationship and current situation.

If you're happily married or in a blissful relationship, the thought of breaking the news to your partner could bring nothing but excitement. if the opposite proves true for you, however, it could bring nothing but stress which you definitely DO NOT need being in your condition of pregnancy.

My boyfriend / husband wants a baby

If this is the case in your household then that's awesome! Breaking the news to your partner is bound to bring excitement to you both as the baby is something you're both anticipating. Seeing as you know your partner will be delighted by the news, make the most of it by being creative and spontaneous in telling him.

Make a date of it
Tell your partner over a special home cooked meal or at a restaurant over dinner. Highlight how special it is by celebrating the way you would any other significant date or anniversary.

Make a spectacle of it
Get balloons, confetti, etc and decorate your apartment or house. Make everything colorful so that your partner is overwhelmed when he sees it. Decorate his car or apartment if you don't live together - do anything that will stand out as memorable.

Make the most of it
Do something unique, crazy or memorable:

- Leave a positive pregnancy test in his car or lunch box so that he can find it
- Send him a singing email
- Spray a message on his car in food coloring or cream
- Write it on the mirror with your lipstick so that he finds it in the morning when he goes into the bathroom.

Pregnancy is beautiful especially if it's your first child so cherish every moment including the announcement.

The father of my baby doesn't want a baby

This situation can be extremely hard to deal with. Besides the decision of 'how should I tell my husband or boyfriend', you should be asking yourself 'will i be able to deal with his reaction' 'should I tell him straight away or ever'?

If you've fallen pregnant from an ex, a fling or a one night stand, you may be hesitant to tell him at all or right away. You probably have an idea of what his reaction would be and if you know it's going to be negative you might want to hold off telling him at least until you've past the first trimester - 13 week mark as this is the most sensitive of your pregnancy. Although stress can cause problems with your pregnancy at any stage, the first trimester is extremely sensitive and you really do not want to have anything bad happen to your baby due to the feelings or reactions of his or her father.

If your husband or boyfriend are interesting in having a baby or another baby, this could also cause stress on you. Think about when to tell them carefully if you have a feeling their reaction will be negative.

How do I deal with the father of my babies reaction to the news?

The most important thing is to remember that you are carrying precious cargo and that your emotions and feelings impact your baby's health and development. Don't allow yourself to stress out or become depressed if your babies father does not have a desirable reaction to the news. Sometimes peoples feelings and perceptions change during the pregnancy and other times they don't but the bottom line is you need to be there for the baby and don't let anyone else force you into doing anything but that.

Don't ever even think about having an abortion due to someone else's feelings regarding your pregnancy.

Don't let your baby's father use emotional blackmail or any other tactic to get you to end your babies life. If he claims that he will leave if you keep the baby or suggests in any other way that you abort the baby, know that you are both better off without him and move on. Your baby is a part of you and is dependant of you - don't let someone else convince you to make a decision that will impact you for the rest of your life. If he can bring up something like that to you, it is clear that he doesn't care much about you and the relationship probably won't last. If the relationship ends a few month down the line or a couple of years later and you ended your babies life over that you will never be able to forgive yourself.

Whether you're excited about breaking the news or nervous about the reactions you may get, remember - your reaction counts the most. A baby is a precious gift which needs to be cherished. Enjoy your pregnancy and count down the time to meeting your little one: to him / her you're going to be the most important person in the world.

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